Mixamate introduces pumped liquid screed

Mixamate – the company powered by IHS' unique all-in-one Concrete and Screed pumping machines – today announced the launch of its brand new liquid screed service, providing direct screed delivery from truck to floor via pump. The new liquid screed product will be available through the company’s all in-one screed pumping truck – the unique machine that provides the delivery, mixing, and pumping of screed from a single vehicle. The vehicle produces the screed by weight thus ensuring a perfect mix every time.

“Liquid screed is something we are being asked for increasingly this year,” said Chris Smith, Managing Director for Mixamate. “It comes with certain advantages over sand and cement screed, particularly with the growing popularity of underfloor heating. If people want the option for liquid screed we can deliver any amount from 2m3. Both this new product and our traditional screed mixes can be administered through our all-in-one pumping machines, this dramatically reduces the hassle associated with this type of work.”

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